Denver, CO, Area Customer Testimonials

How awesome is the new glass in our patio doors. So I'm disappointed in myself, I was concerned the cost was going to be so high for glass replacement that I would have to buy new doors. Ken Caryl Glass' bid came in hundreds of dollars less than a competitor. Everything from the guy coming for an estimate, purchasing with the office, and the gentlemen coming for installation was amazing. I couldn't recommend anyone else for a glass job! Special thanks to Wes for consistent communication and coordination.

Chad P.
We were nearly 3 weeks late in receiving our building permit. Ken Caryl Glass was an invaluable partner, coordinating with our superintendent and pushing their suppliers to ensure their portion of the contract was completed ahead of schedule. Without Ken Caryl Glass, we would never been able to complete the project on time. Thank you, Ken Caryl, for going above and beyond.

Local General Contractor
My new European style shower door is amazing. I had several glass companies price and design a new shower door for me. I decided to go with Ken Caryl Glass. Their pricing and customer service are second to none! I couldn’t be happier with my decision to use Ken Caryl Glass, Inc.

Alex G.
Residential Customer
Kudos to Ken Caryl Glass for an excellent job! They coordinated two specialized crews, one to install solar film on my windows and the other to remove two large glass mirrors – all on the same day and same time period. Both arrived on time this morning and finished all the jobs within 30 minutes. They cleaned up after themselves and were out the door in time for me to get back to work quickly. I really appreciated that both teams were able to come out at the same time, saving me from scheduling another time away from work. They were all delightful workers and I would highly recommend using them again. I am happy to report that “customer service” thrives at Ken Caryl Glass. Thanks to all.  

Su D.
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